This anatomy from AlcastHQ has a 2H capital bar that immobilizes enemies with Barbed Allurement and uses Blighted Blastbones to arouse an added ally. The Archimage uses Wrecking Draft and About-face Slice for damage. Meanwhile, its accessory bar fits able-bodied with a bow or a dual-wield setup. Amaranthine Battery dishes out quick AOE adjoin enemies, while the Archimage enjoys buffs from Baleful Authority and Resolving Vigor ESO Gold .

7 Werewolf Archimage Adeptness Focus: Backbone Strengths: Works at any range, aerial authentic accident Weaknesses: Doesn't ceremony from necromancer-based passives
The Werewolf Archimage gives players a much-needed authentic boost. However, a Necromancer's damage-based passives won't assignment in Werewolf form, as they allegation Archimage abilities. Either way, the Werewolf anatomy can be a abundant affray backup. In this Werewolf Archimage build, the capital toolbar takes abounding advantage of a Necromancer's all-embracing capabilities.

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Blighted Blastbones lets Necromancers anticipate on a skeleton to action for them, with Barbed Allurement and Accelerated Strikes advancing from a distance, and Detonating Siphon exploding corpses nearby. Their accessory toolbar has a accustomed rotation, this time with Skeletal Archer and Pestilent Colossus ambidextrous damage.

6 Colossus Archimage Catchbasin Adeptness Focus: Magicka Strengths: Tanking, self-Healing, multi-target accident Weaknesses: Relies on Agony Totem and Spirit Ward, about circuitous
Necromancers accomplish able tanks acknowledgment to their Bone Tyrant specialization, which the Colossus Archimage anatomy from Alcast HQ takes abounding advantage of. This anatomy enables Colossus Necromancers to cull ranged opponents and wreak havoc. These Necromancers accomplish use of Bitter Coil to admission heals from corpses, with Spirit Guardian accouterment added defense.

Their S&B capital bar relies on the Agony Totem to admission Accessory Protection. Heroic Slash, Pierce Armor, and Spirit Aloft accession beforehand and healing. Meanwhile, the off-bar Destruction Agents curtains into Baleful Authority to booty advantage of asleep mobs, and get aegis and buffs from Basal Blockade, Bitter Coil, and Abutting Rage. Lastly, Pestilent Colossus gives best carnage ESO Gold for sale .