There are many different players in NBA 2K23, and not long ago the famous rapper Lil Wayne joined the game. We can unlock this player by completing a special challenge. Like previous guest athletes such as Deebo Samuel, Dak Prescott, and Jalen Ramsey, there are no restrictions in the challenge activity that can prevent players from unlocking Lil Wayne.

Ways to unlock Lil Wayne in NBA 2K23

The Lil Wayne Spotlight Challenge will appear in the main MyTeam section of NBA 2K23 for a limited time and requires players to win matches against Lil Wayne, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O 'Neal. Also, the Season 4 Crossover Series character has a Ruby card that players can use after beating challenges in the triple threat mode on semi-professional difficulty or higher. In this mode, players have to score 21 points before an ai-controlled enemy player wins the match.

How to use Lil Wayne in NBA 2K23

The 40-year-old musician and songwriter are listed as 6'1" on the card, a far cry from his real-life height of 5'5". As a point guard or point guard, Lil Wayne sports good stats with an rating of 89. While players won't use Yeezy as a three-point shooter in NBA 2K23, their other scores as a player put them above average, such as a 95 on offensive consistency.
This player build can be completed using NBA2K23 MT after we get Lil Wayne. Now that NBA 2K23 season 5 is about to start, we can use these powerful players to get an edge in this new season.