When you enter New World, you will see a huge island, where you will encounter many enemies and players. Many times you'll need to walk back and forth between the two places, so players need a lot of walking to reach targets, enemies, and landmarks.

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Can you sprint in New World?

Surprisingly, you can't sprint in the new world. The Shift key (commonly used as the dash key in other games) will cause your character to roll away from the attacking enemy.

While there is no "dash" in the game, players can run automatically via the default "=" key, which will automatically propel the character forward and over obstacles. You can move by holding down the left control key, or you can assign a run/move toggle key in the keybindings section of the settings.

The game is still in closed beta, so generic sprint controls may be added at a later date, or players could unlock it as an ability.

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