For some players who have not tried Path of Exile: Scourge, they may need to prepare some POE Currency and understand some game mechanics and gameplay. Because there are many new content in the natural disaster league that need players to understand, they can also see a lot of new POE Currency and POE Items in the game. If players don’t know what build to choose, then here is a suggestion.

PoE 3.16 Toxic Rain. Toxic Rain is one of the key skills of Ranger playstyle. This skill is to shoot a series of arrows into the air, but they rained “toxic”. However, when players level up, they can use Splitting Steel and engage in melee. So many players will use POE Exalted Orb to upgrade themselves quickly. When completing most of the action leveling, players will not play the full ranger for this build, but if they prefer the ranger style, they can switch to this style as needed.

For some players who want to upgrade melee, they need to start Slitting Steel and use Champion’s game style. Around level 30, players should pivot Toxic Rain. After that, if they return after a period of absence, they need the Ballista Totem gem. So it is very important to prepare enough POE Currency. This skill allows players to repeat their bow and arrow attacks and summon a totem that replicates the user’s major attack. 

Players also need Withering Attacks and Faster Attacks to compliment their Toxic Rain. The only drawback of the build is the lack of recovery of the build. So players can buy POE Currency and make sure they are using the life bottle so that they will not die. Also, remember to bring sports gems so that players have a way to escape.