Recently, after Amazon New World players discovered a way to use loopholes to copy New World Coins and items, Amazon Game Studios was forced to disable all forms of wealth transfer for New World, and the game team’s current goal is to punish those who try to play with this bug. Luxendra said in a forum post they believe the ability to trade and improve settlements is an important and interesting aspect of the game they aim to keep.

Territory upgrades are another method of coin duplication. Fortunately, New World’s next patch resolves the bug and removes any deceived RPG New World Coins from players who exploited or accidentally triggered the vulnerability. Developers can track how many New World Gold players who suspected of using the bug have got and investigate and take remedial measures against companies that have taken serious use of this behavior. They also want to ensure that no one suffers financial losses in the game by disabling wealth transfer methods.

In the long run, if the town maintenance lags behind the territory owned by the players’ faction, or if they cannot afford the tax, the developer will provide compensation. Amazon also said that it is studying solutions for New World Coins sellers to send spam chat messages. It has banned and suspended many reported gold hoarding accounts and robot accounts. In addition, Amazon has also increased restrictions to prevent low-level players and new accounts from trading or transferring Amazon New World Coins.

Ordinary players now only need to wait for the bug to be fixed to continue the normal game. And if they want to prepare in advance for the next large-scale New World event, they can first check some practical guides on IGGM to use skills or weapons more proficiently, or buy cheap New World Coins a lot, it is feasible.