Skull and Bones – 5 Ways to Raise Your Infamy

In Skull and Bones, advancing your Infamy is crucial for progressing through the game and unlocking its endgame content. Here are five effective strategies to Skull and Bones Items help you quickly increase your Infamy and make your mark as a feared pirate:

1. Follow the Golden Path
Early Game Focus: As you start out in Skull and Bones, prioritize following the main campaign. Head straight to John Scurlock’s office at Sainte-Anne to kick off the central storyline. Completing initial missions will help you craft your first ship, the Bedar, and set the foundation for your pirate career.
Complete Contracts: Outfit your new ship with weapons and fulfill the “First Blood” contract. This will open up additional gameplay options and rewards, leading to more opportunities to earn Infamy.
2. Take Out Merchant Convoys
World Events: Keep an eye on world events that notify you about merchant convoys carrying valuable cargo. Intercepting and sinking these convoys can yield significant rewards and Infamy points.
Team Up: Merchant convoys are often well-guarded, so consider teaming up with Skull and bones items for sale online other players or friends. Coordination and strategy will help you overcome their defenses and maximize your rewards.