EA Sports College Football 25: 10 Beginner Tips
1. Master the Revamped Passing System
Tip: Spend time learning the new Revamped Passing control scheme. It allows for precise control over your throws, adjusting the trajectory and power. Practice using the power gauge effectively to CFB 25 Coins avoid inaccurate passes.
Why It Matters: Mastering this system will help you excel in passing plays and rack up yards through the air.
2. Pay Attention to Wear and Tear
Tip: Monitor player fatigue and injuries through the Wear and Tear system. Players who take too many hits will see their performance decline. Rotate players regularly to keep them fresh.
Why It Matters: Managing player health and fatigue can prevent crucial injuries and maintain team performance throughout the game.
3. Adjust Your Auto-Sub Settings
Tip: Customize your Auto-Sub settings to control how often players are substituted. This helps manage fatigue and keeps your team performing at its best.
Why It Matters: Ensures that your key players stay fresh and reduces the risk of injury or performance drops due to CFB 25 Coins for sale exhaustion.