Finding and Defeating La Plume
With Sainte-Amelie plundered, your next objective is to locate and destroy La Plume. Sail towards the Southwest Passage and use your spyglass to search for this elusive high-level ship. The battle against La Plume will be another challenging fight, so be prepared for a fierce encounter. Successfully defeating La Plume will provide you with the final clue needed to Skull and Bones Items complete the investigation.

Returning to Sainte-Anne and Completing the Investigation
After defeating La Plume, you can either sail back to Sainte-Anne or use the fast-travel mechanics at an outpost to return quickly. Once you arrive in Sainte-Anne, locate Anja Rakotomang at the Warehouse. Speaking with her will complete the "Turning the Page" investigation and solve the mystery of 'Kit the Tiger.'

Tips for Success
Preparation is Key: Before starting the investigation, ensure your ship is well-upgraded and your crew is prepared for high-level combat. Raising your Infamy and leveling up your ship will significantly ease the challenges you'll face.

Use the Call for Help Mechanic: If you're struggling, consider using the Call for Help mechanic to team up with other players. Completing the investigation with allies can make the battles more manageable and enjoyable.

Manage Your Resources: Keep a close eye on your ship’s resources, such as ammunition and repair kits. Efficient management of these resources can make the difference between success and failure in the more challenging stages of the investigation.

Be Strategic in Combat: During the plundering and ship battles, use tactics such as targeting enemies from a distance and focusing on smaller ships first. This approach helps minimize the damage to your ship and ensures a more manageable fight against larger opponents.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to cheap Skull and Bones Items tackle the "Turning the Page" investigation and navigate the challenges of Sainte-Amelie and beyond. Good luck, and may your sails be ever favorable on your journey through Skull and Bones.