We've thought about having both simultaneously and then keeping them in our spreadsheet we keep the cards we use on. We're still trying to determine which method works best, and what's WoW cataclysm Gold the best method to use. This is something I believe we're trying to improve on, but internally, it's going very well. The response to Darkmoon Races was really phenomenal. So we're very looking forward to continuing the series.

There's something intriguing with miniature sets which allows you to introduce these mechanics in previous expansions. And then, in the mini-expansion you're able to make them more complicated than normally because of the feeling of familiarity. This is something that I think will be happening all through this year.

What is the set-up of the cards when you launch an expansion? Do you observe how meta changes and alter the meta to change it?

We do analyze the meta a amount. In a few weeks we'll have a look at it. For instance telling us, "Hey, so how's Darkmoon Faire going? What's working well?" We'll then take a look at the mini-expansion, and ask, "All right, are there any changes that we'd like to make in light of what's already live?" We usually do this when we do our normal expansions, too. We'll get back in the process to make small adjustments, pushing certain levers up, and push others down. Also, we make that same thing for mini-expansions as well.

Tavern Pass Tavern Pass got some pushback from fans. The studio's leadership responded, "Hey, we messed up. We'll be better." What advice did you take from this? Are we going to see any change to this Tavern Pass going forward, in addition to cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold the general rebalancing process that has already took place.