Mapo Tofu, (Chinese má pó dòu fǔ), is one of the traditional famous dishes in Sichuan Province. It belongs to Sichuan cuisine. The main ingredient is tofu, the auxiliary ingredients are: garlic sprouts, beef froth (other meats are also acceptable), and the seasoning: watercress, chili noodles Served with pepper noodles, soy sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, starch, etc. The hemp comes from Sichuan pepper, and the spicy comes from pepper noodles. The characteristics of the type are vividly displayed. Today, Mapo Tofu has traveled across the oceans and settled in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and other countries. Become an international famous dish.

On September 10, 2018, "Chinese Cuisine" was officially released, and "Mapo Tofu" was rated as "Chinese Cuisine" as one of the top ten classic Sichuan dishes.

Seasoning: pepper powder, rice wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger, garlic, coriander, green onion, oil, peppercorns, chili, tempeh, bean paste, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, starch, sugar

Mapo Tofu Recipe Instructions

Step 1. Clean the pot, put the pepper in the small fire and stir fry;

Step 2. Fry the aroma, and the case is slightly charred, then pour it on the chopping board and crush it with a rolling pin;

Step 3. Cut the tofu into pieces and soak in boiling water with salt for 15 minutes;

Step 4. Heat the pan, put a proper amount of oil, add minced ginger and garlic and stir fry;

Step 5. Stir fry until the aroma is released, add the chopped bean paste and tempeh, and continue to fry;

Step 6. After the aroma comes out, put the beef filling in and stir fry;

Step 7, stir-fry the beef filling and change its color, add cooking wine and light soy sauce, stir-fry for color, and then add an appropriate amount of water;

Step 8. Put the tofu cubes soaked in salt after boiling;

Step 9. Add appropriate amount of salt after simmering for one minute;

Step 10. Add water starch to thicken;

Step 11. After the gorgon juice has received a suitable level, put it into the bowl and sprinkle with pepper noodles and chopped green onions on the surface;

Step 12. Finally, heat a little oil and pour it on the pepper noodles and shallots;

Step 13. Serve it steamingly, and mix it before eating.

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