The only way in which you can be a zombie is if you let this debuff last for a full 10 minutes or if you end up dying while WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold the debuff is on if you would like to not be a zombie. Argent healers are currently appearing in at capital cities. These NPCs can treat your plague. They can be found in capital cities throughout the world, but in particular, they were white and black tape barns which, when you click on them, they will tell you that lich king attempts to announce his presence and will then heal your disease.

The second phase is known as roaches , and lasts for one day. The boxes now start to show appearing in capital cities and there are affected roaches in these boxes. If you get in contact with and kill these insects you'll get the infected debuff which lasts five minutes down from 10 minutes. You can kill the roaches by wheezing as long as you are not hitting the row. It will not cause you to get the debuff. However, if you do get the debuff it is becoming harder to get off of you players will need to take a cure medicine or purify 5 times to remove this debuff off of you.

However, Argent healers could still get it off of you using just one click during phase three. Welcoming you to Zombie Town again last one day. The time to be infected remains at five minutes and is hard to cure. However, now the residents who are plagued start appearing all over as unclean, often in low level zones, making it difficult for them to WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale climb the levels and also making it more difficult to avoid the plague.