Next up, a follow-up one, but maybe not quite as much as the bird farming spot, this comes from Elden Ring Runes many people, though it's all to do with the telescope, your quick item that a lot for cinematic purposes or just to show something, but from the back of torrent, because recently gave a quick little tutorial on really useful torrent movement, such as if you want to turn around, you can double jump and make a complete 360 angle turn, however, you want really quickly, but a lot of people were talking about the telescope for a good reason, if you're on a tight spot and an awkward position, and you're trying to turn around torrent does this weird movement and accidentally moves too far you fall to your death that sucks, a way to combat that is to pull out your telescope, if you are aiming One Way pull out the telescope, and then empty it, you can see that suddenly this way, so pull it out and look over here, take it away.

All you need to do to make sure that it actually works is pull out the telescope, and then move the camera a tiny bit to adjust, and then torrent will spin around, if you do not move the camera at all when you pull out the telescope, you won't like fully turn, he'll make a small turn also technically what you could do is take the telescope out where you're aiming anyway, and then do like a slow turn and torrent will just turn completely with you all on the single still spot, so that's actually a really good tip and further advancement on best place to buy elden ring items the previous topic.