NO.2 Cold Royal Knight Build

We're getting 80 percent more damage on Elden Ring Runes our next hit with royal nice resolve if you're able to proc Frost because they're going to take increased damage after that Frost proc, let's hit stuff really hard even harder than usual because they're going to take additional damage, and then we're doing 80 more damage on our next hit, you're not going to get the same frost build-up as you would if you're using chilling Mist but you're still going to get solid damage, and you can still easily get that one proc too, let's take on the troll here to see how much damage we can do, now on the troll here we're going to hit him as hard as we can with royal Knights resolve and we took about half of his HP off and then we hit him again and we believe it's the third hit that's going to proc Frost, he's going to end up dead by then, but this is a good example if you're going into a boss fight about how it might be for you and again a solid build with Elden Ring Items for sale royal Knights resolve and cold Affinity.

Attributes &Stats

Vigor: 50

Mind: 25

Endurance: 30

Strength: 55

Dexterity: 15

Intelligence: 25

Faith: 25

Arcane: 14


Right Hand Armament 1: Cold Greatsword

Left Hand Armament 1: Giant’s Seal

Head Armor: Banished Knight Helm

Chest Armor: Raptor’s Feathers

Arms: All-Knowing Gauntlets

Leg Armor: Radahn’s Greaves


Golden Vow

Flame, Grant Me Strength

Catch Flame


Ritual Sword Talisman

Erdtree’s Favor

Axe Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

Flask of Wondrous Physicks:

Spiked Cracked Tear

Faith-knot Crystal Tear