Stories and legends are important driving factors for the game to happen, and this is the case with the idea of Path Of Exile 2. Understanding the legend of Path Of Exile 2 is often as daunting as trying to master its complex game system. It can become quite complicated and get POE Currency in the dark fantasy idiot. Therefore, before it is released, the following is the information players should know about it.

Path Of Exile 2 took place 20 years after Kitaffer died. But before the sequel is released, the alliance of the original game may fill a huge and very important 20-year gap and narrative vacuum. Chris Wilson, the lead developer of Path Of Exile 2, mentioned that Path Of Exile 2 is an opportunity to return the game to the basic plot. In the original game, the mission of the exiles was to Buy POE Currency and fight against extra-dimensional threats, unlike superheroes. At this point, the plot of the game has become too confusing because of too many story networks.

In addition to having most of the plot independent of the original game, the threat or main villain in Path Of Exile 2 is not so grand or threatening in the world. In the past, pure human exiles had to contend with creatures more powerful than gods and travel through time and space.

Path Of Exile 2 doesn't want these and plans to feature a simpler theater and background. This story aims to be more personal and relevant. Each new creature killed by the player there needs to be stronger than the last one, until they finally get a subtle anthropomorphism of a black hole. The above is the relevant information before the release of Path Of Exile 2, and I will continue to update it afterwards.