Gaining experience points (XP) in MLB The Show 24 is crucial for players looking to enhance their gameplay and unlock various rewards. Whether you're a pitcher, hitter, or fielder, there are multiple strategies to accumulate XP quickly. This article delves into effective methods to boost your XP gain, ensuring you make the most out of your playing time.

Embrace the Art of Pitching

Pitching is a vital aspect of baseball, and MLB The Show 24 has revamped its pitching mechanics to offer a more immersive experience. To excel in pitching and gain XP rapidly, focus on mastering pinpoint pitching. This technique requires practice but significantly improves your game, allowing you to dominate the mound and accumulate XP efficiently.

Utilize Reddit's Community Insights

The Reddit community for MLB The Show is a treasure trove of information, where players share their experiences and tips. One recommended method for quick XP gain is to download a zero overall roster and start as a pitcher. This strategy lets you pitch entire games from the onset of your career, with each game potentially netting 1500-2000 XP. Additionally, hitting home runs on rookie in mini-season games is another suggested approach.

Road to the Show: A Path to Improvement

Road to the Show (RTTS) is a mode that allows players to progress through matches, improving their base ratings by performing well on the field. Completing Skill Set Programs in RTTS is a highly effective way to gain XP. These programs unlock better Archetypes and Perks, enabling you to build Playstyles that enhance your ratings in key areas.

Hitting: The Key to Scoring

Hitting the ball effectively is crucial for scoring runs. To hit better and more frequently, it's essential to select the best hitting interface that suits your playstyle. Whether you prefer Zone, Directional, or another interface, mastering your chosen method can lead to more successful hits and, consequently, a faster XP gain.

Community Forum Insights

The community forum for MLB The Show offers additional strategies for earning XP quickly. Participating in mini-seasons, especially in HR-friendly parks, and completing missions can yield significant XP rewards. March to October (MTO) is another mode highlighted for its effectiveness in gaining points for Team Affinity, with a run on Rookie potentially offering 25 TA points at least.


Gaining XP in MLB The Show 24 requires a combination of skill, strategy, and making the most of the game modes available. Whether you're focusing on pitching, hitting, or participating in modes like RTTS and MTO, there are numerous ways to accelerate your XP gain. Building a strong dream team by buying MLB 24 Stubs at AHMLB.COM will also be the key to our victory in the game.