NBA 2K22 on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S will use an upgraded version of the social center called The City. In the new game, players can accept tasks to advance their story career and upgrade their homeland. The new game content is easier to attract players to invest time in NBA 2K22, and will also attract them to buy NBA 2K22 MT.  

They have increased the limit on the number of players in the city in order to allow more players to participate in this mode. The developers also added new NPCs and new buildings to the city to help players feel more alive in the city. The emergence of Club 2K allows players to listen to the new music that appears in the game with each seasonal event. Such a wealth of game content will stimulate players to buy more NBA 2K22 MT.  

Players can also get rewards in The City, including karts that can speed up travel, 2K MT and so on. You can also unlock new emoticons, custom nameplates and animations. The game series will also return in NBA 2K22, and this time it has brought great returns. For players who want to surpass their opponents to achieve excellent results, the best way to help is to buy 2K22 MT.   

For those on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC, they can look forward to establishing their own social center as Cancha del Mar. This is a huge cruise ship that provides different basketball-related activities. As part of the new season of NBA 2K22, players can visit a new location with unique events and rewards. If they want a better experience, the best option is to buy 2K22 MT.