Whereas in TBC the tomograph has five health in the feet of the WoTLK Gold caster the spell increases the chance to hit and correct by 3%. It's a trade off for 3percent hit, but the additional damage that spells cause has received from the new talents we're talking about now so it's going to be interesting when Stan shifts into the astral plane. shift. When you use Stanford or silence causes you to shift into the astral plane . This reduces all damage suffered by 10 percent over the course of the storm the fear or silence effect. You can add three points to this to give you 30percent damage reduction, the most powerful PVP talent , I think it should be obvious. Lava flow boosts the critical Strike damage boost of your Lava Burst spell by an additional 24%.

Then, when you Flame Shock is dispelled your spell casting and speed is increased by 30% for six seconds. It's a very powerful PvP magic, however it is powerful in PvE due to The Critical Strike damage bonuses the lava bursts spell shamanism, thus your lightning bolt as well as chain lightning spells get an additional 20 percent.

Then your Lava Burst can add an additional 25% bonus damage. This is just the surface of damage. Not really much to talk about. And then, finally, during a thunderstorm you call down lightning bolts that look like that energizing you and causing damage to nearby enemies within 12 yards. The spell restores an eight percent amount to you. This deal X amount of nature damage to all enemies that are here and it knocks them back 20 yards. This spell is us usable while stunned. This is a great way to utilize a knockback during a stun lock in PvP as well as taking the reduced damage that a stun lock can cause from the astral plane and with it at cooldown distance without doing any damage on ads as you probably don't want to damage them and being able to achieve that manner return anyway is a great benefit as well.

Overall, a really wonderful great talent. Very nice utility and it can be used to knock people off extremely high levels and also take a look at the rest of the talent, there's really not much to consider resto because there's not a spell cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold crit and no spell in this case, and there is no benefit whatsoever to elemental.