Many players may see Path of Exile somewhere and decide to play it. Friends may recommend some players and start playing it. For some experienced old players, besides buying POE Currency to enhance their own strength, they can’t guarantee that they can be proficient in Path of Exile. Similarly, for players who are just playing PoE, if they want to upgrade quickly, the best way is to prepare some POE Currency. Besides, this is not enough, players must also understand some PoE precautions.

Don’t treat it like Diablo. It may start with Diablo as the chief inspiration, but Path of Exile has gone beyond that. This is an independent game, and the mechanism of Diablo II is relatively simple compared to Path of Exile. Don’t expect character construction to be as simple and clear as Diablo II or even Diablo III. Some players want some barbarian type with an axe, which sounds cool but doesn’t mean it can survive the latter part of the game. If so, don’t use Diablo as an expected indicator of Path of Exile’s first game pass.

The statistical description of the project may be misleading. Of course, this is also a game based on loot, but Path of Exile’s items are far more than just the eye. Their item descriptions have their own dictionary, where the difference between “more” and “add” may be the life and death of the players’ characters. Therefore, do not treat product descriptions at face value. Players usually need to look up some item descriptors to see the actual mathematical calculations to compare which items are better and why some items are more expensive than others in the transaction. Of course, players can also Buy POE Currency to get the items they want.

Don’t be a hardcore character. Path of Exile provides a “Hardcore” mode, where the character’s death is permanent. This may be very attractive for some players, but for novice players, please avoid it. Unless players are naturally good at quickly handling new graphics, text, and other mechanics, they cannot avoid disappointing deaths because of sudden cold explosions used by monsters to reflect damage. After it completes the standard mode, it has become a full-time masochist in the hardcore mode of Path of Exile. If players want to increase the damage of their characters, then they’d better prepare some POE Currency.