According to the official Lost Ark blog post, the Under the Arkesian Sun patch will be released on August 24, 2022.

Players can expect updates to drop after weekly maintenance and resets, which players can find in specific time zones below:

NA East - 5AM EST
North America West - 2 AM PST
EU Central and EU West – 10AM GMT/11AM CET
South America – 7am BRT

This update brings the introduction of Pet Ranch and Legendary Pets.

A pet ranch is a place where "pets can play and help you earn valuable rewards".

The Pet Ranch is a new location in the garrison where players can train their pets to become stronger and generate valuable resources.

The pet ranch will be divided into two parts: the biscuit workshop and the ranch. The Pet Ranch is a new location in the garrison where players can train their pets to become stronger and generate valuable resources.

For example, in a ranch, pets will restore morale; however, working in a biscuit workshop will lower pets' morale.

Pets without morale can no longer produce Jam Crackers, meaning players will not be able to exchange them for Vitameows, Arcane Batteries, and other useful ranch items.

Additionally, the number of Jam Crackers produced depends on the pet's level, increasing as pets level up from rare to epic to legendary.

Patch Notes

The full patch notes for Lost Ark's "Under the Arkesian Sun" can be found below, detailing everything players need to know before setting up a pet ranch.

The August 'Under the Aksia Sun' update will arrive next week on August 24th following a weekly maintenance and reset, bringing Pet Ranch and Legendary Pets. The adorable and precious pets that help adventurers across Arkesia are ready to help their worthy leaders even further by crafting jam biscuits and acquiring pet feats to level up and unlock new abilities.

In Pet Ranch, your pets are being trained to become stronger while generating valuable resources. Pets can gain pet feats to level up, and produce jam biscuits in exchange for rewards such as Lost Ark coins. But Pets couldn't continue to gain expertise and produce jam cookies without some well-deserved breaks.

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