According to the update of Korean fashion fantasy MMO game Lost Ark, the new character is Arcanist, which is third high-level mage class in addition to the existing bards and sorceresses. Arcanist is part of the July Spades Spells Update (opens in a new tab) which also adds Valtan Legion Raid and Abyssal Dungeons, not only support effects, faster climbing item levels, higher difficulty levels but also are a pool party event with water guns, Lost Ark Gold and beach-themed makeup.

All Arcanist skills are about throwing explosive cards, Infinite Shuffle, gather enemies around and kincking them back again. The character is designed to either use skills that build stacks, then destroy skills, the more stacks you pile on, the more damage you deal, or rely on random draws from your deck. Once you've filled the Arcanist's Profession Gauge with landing attacks, this more powerful set of effects is available, which includes the Spectre Card and disables attacks from monsters while increasing your movement speed and halving damage. Collision and Chaos cards will increase attack speed every time you use a skill.

To help you get the Arcanist into the final stage, or level up any other character that needs it, the Spell Update in Spades comes with a powerpass that level up the character to item level 1302 directly and put it at the end of the Punika storyline. In order to get it, you must  complete Punika with another character at first. The update also adds a "Hyper Express Event" where you can register an item level 1302 character, which will provide rewards for quests that will help them reach item level 1370 faster.

In the end, for every player who is very intersted Arcanist and want reach a great achivement in Lost Ark, I think Gold is very important, you can buy Lost Ark Gold For Sale from Lost Ark supplier with a very cheap price, which is more helpful for every fan of Lost Ark.