According to the latest information gathered so far, we will be able to compete in Ladder mode in Diablo 2 Resurrected in about four to five weeks. That said, you'd better figure out what you're going to do by April. Want to get Diablo 2 Resurrected Items fast? Please visit MMOWTS and place an order.

The game's developer Blizzard recently described the PTR timings and what they can expect from the new patch, which you can see in the latest roadmap update on the official D2R website. Update 2.4 will complete testing of various things including season rolls and item rollover in the PTR, thus laying the Diablo 2 Resurrected Items For Sale groundwork for D2R's first Ladder reset. Officials have hinted that the patch may be released for the first time in April of this year, but they have not revealed a specific launch date and time.

MrLlamaSC, a streamer who mainly plays Diablo 2 Resurrected, believes that the D2R ranked ladder reset could coincide with an early or mid-April timeframe. This is what he deduced from the clues given by roadmap update.

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LlamaSC recently released a video introducing PTR content. He said in the video that the developers will drop the PTR around March 4th, so players who are still participating in the PTR test have very little duration left. In a few weeks, the fully adjusted patch will be introduced into the official version of Diablo 2 Resurrected. So he thinks Ladder might not be available to all players until April.

Because the testing of the new patch in the PTR has not yet been completed, this means that there may be new and unforeseen other problems after the game is updated. Therefore, Blizzard did not announce the date of Ladder reset in any official news. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't tweak the patch until the last minute before the ranked mode was ready. MMOWTS will provide all the Unique and Set Diablo 2 Resurrected Items with reasonable price, try it now!

Diablo community administrator PezRadar also made his point in a forum post. Because there have been many MMOs that have anomalies that affect the player's game experience after the update, in order to avoid such problems becoming a hindrance for players to explore the world, developers need to ensure that the main content of this major update will not have any problems. That's why Ladder Mode won't be introduced until a week or two after the release of Update 2.4.

This is not a bad thing, at least Blizzard has shown enough sincerity. Plus it means you have more time to prepare for better rankings. Your primary goal in Ladder mode is to get as much XP as possible, so you'll need a lot of help from Diablo 2 Resurrected Items. Don't worry, you can then visit MMOWTS to directly purchase any Diablo 2 Resurrected Items you need with 100% security.