There is a unique and comprehensive system in Path of Exile, which is the Ascendancy system. For many novice players they may not understand it. They can POE Currency Buy for their characters, but they still need to have a full understanding of Ascendancy. Here are some things players can learn about.

Define Ascendancy. The PoE Ascendancy class is basically a subclass of the existing 7 classes that players can choose to play. In order to define ascendancy, players need to understand PoE Labyrinth, also known as PoE Lab Trials.

PoE Labyrinth. The PoE Lab Trials ended in a showdown with Boss Izaro, a randomly generated dungeon full of POE Currency, traps, and monsters. Players can use specific characters to complete PoE Lab Trials to unlock one of the unique PoE Ascendancy categories corresponding to the character they are playing. After they unlock one of the PoE Ascendancy classes, players can also unlock skill points, PoE Ascendancy Skills, and various unique POE Items and equipment enchantments from the Ascendancy skill tree.

Important reminder for PoE Lab Trials. To start Trials of Ascendancy, you must enter Sarn Encampment and enter Aspirant’s Plaza through the Statue of the Goddess. All 6 PoE Trials of Ascendancy in PoE Lab Trials must be completed at once. There are no waypoints in PoE Labyrinth. If the players die, they will be resurrected in the town and the PoE Labyrinth will end. Players are prohibited from using the town portal. If they choose to give up running, no matter where they start, they will be taken to the town in Act 3.

These all contain a lot of information. Players need to go through a lot of training to do better. If they get stuck, they can buy POE Currency on POECurrency to get through the difficulties smoothly. They can also get some useful game guides to learn more about the game.